International Congress on Fracture (ICF)

The aim of the International Congress on Fracture (ICF) is to foster research in the mechanics and phenomena of fracture, fatigue, and strength of materials. such research will enable the development of more failure resistant materials and the development of better design methods that lead to safer structures. further aims are to promote international cooperation among scientists and engineers in the field, and to foster integration of the many disciplines involved in such an inherently multidisciplinary field. icf provides means whereby results of such efforts may be publicly communicated, including its congress held every 4 years.


中国结构完整性联盟是一个非营利性学术组织,致力于结构完整性领域的学术交流、科学研究、工程应用和知识传播,其历史可追溯到2002年,最初的发起单位是几所长期从事结构完整性特别是压力容器及管道安全技术合作研究的高校和科研院所。2003年,在上海召开首届国际断裂力学(FM)学术研讨会。随着学科及其应用领域的拓宽,2010年,FM系列会议拓展为国际结构完整性学术研讨会(International Symposium on Structural Integrity,ISSI),各成员单位轮流承办。2012年11月,经中国机械工程学会材料分会、压力容器分会和失效分析分会充分讨论与协商,决定联合发起“中国结构完整性联盟”(China Structural Integrity Consortium, CSIC)。结构完整性是跨学科、跨领域的新兴学科领域,研究不同尺度结构在复杂环境及载荷下的承载能力、寿命与可靠性,致力建立并优化产品全寿命过程的安全与可靠性评价标准与法规,服务于能源(油气、电力、核能、可再生能源)、航空航天与航海、微电子制造、化工、材料、冶金、环境、土木等工程领域。

China Structural Integrity Consortium, CSIC

The China Structural Integrity Consortium (CSIC) is a non-profit academic organization dedicated to academic exchanges, scientific research, engineering applications and knowledge dissemination in the field of structural integrity. Its history can be traced back to 2002, initiated by several universities and research institutes that have long been engaged in collaborative research on structural integrity, particularly in the safety technology of pressure vessels and pipelines. In 2003, the first International Fracture Mechanics (FM) Symposium was held in Shanghai. As the discipline and its application areas expanded, in 2010, the FM series of conferences evolved into the International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI), with member units taking turns to organize. In November 2012, after thorough discussions and consultations by the Materials Division, Pressure Vessel Division, and Failure Analysis Division of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, it was decided to jointly launch the “China Structural Integrity Consortium” (CSIC)”. Structural integrity is an interdisciplinary and cross-domain emerging field that studies the load-bearing capacity, life, and reliability of structures of different scales under complex environments and loads. The aim is to establish and optimize safety and reliability assessment standards and regulations for the entire product life cycle, serving engineering fields such as energy (oil and gas, power, nuclear energy, renewable energy), aerospace and navigation, microelectronics, chemical industry, materials, metallurgy, environment, and civil engineering, etc.