Newsletter #69-2023 18 If you become an ESIS member... You will have full access to the ESIS publications archive You will receive the credentials for the ESIS G-Suite service (the customized improved Google Suite for ESIS e.g. you will obtain a 30 Gb GDrive, instead of the standard 15 Gb) You will have a discount for the participation to the ECF events (Conferences and Summer schools) Monthly, you will receive the “ESIS News”, with all the updates concerning events organized by ESIS, by the ESIS Technical Committees and by the National Committees Every 6 months, you will receive the ESIS Newsletter, with the reports concerning the Technical Committees and National Committees activities and all the information concerning ESIS life In addition, thanks to ESIS member contribution, it is possible for ESIS: To organize Technical Committees focused on many different topics To publish a blog on iMechanica that promotes and intensifies relevant scientific discussions on recent publications in Engineering Fracture Mechanics To publish a YouTube channel with the videorecordings of some events recently organized by ESIS (ECF presentations and Summers Schools) To publish Procedia Structural Integrity (Elsevier), an open access product focused entirely on publishing full sets of conference proceedings organized by ESIS, by ESIS Technical Committees and by National Groups that are affiliated with ESIS To publish an up to date website ( and to “be alive” in the web, with a Facebook page, a Telegram channel, a YouTube channel, a Twitter account, and a Linkedin account To publish special issues in four affiliated Elsevier journals (Engineering Failure Analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fatigue, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics) How to become an ESIS member ESIS has individual, organisational and corporate memberships. Members may register as individual members (Individual registration) or as part of a group membership from a named industrial, commercial, research, or educational organisation by payment of the annual fee (Corporate or National Committees registration)